Thursday, January 10, 2008

Second current event article

1/10/08 current event about technology is coming from

Sony discontinues current ps3 lineup in Japan

As of January,10 2008 Japan has stated that the Playstation 3 lineup in Japan has been changed and its for good. The new lineup for Sony that will be sold is going to be the 40 g and 80 g. They have finally decided to eliminate the 20 g and 40 g but upside about it, is that the 40 g will be actually sold for less money then the 20 g was and so on and so forth. Now whats left on Sony's hands will be , should they really just have one console for sale in the future ? Similar plans for the U.K are underway but have not been stated for a fact as in Japan.I believe that they will finally decide to leave it as the new sale occuring.

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